Sivis Study Centre
Sivis Study Centre, Educational Institution for Civil Society Organisations, is a nationwide institution for liberal adult education in Finland. We organize and implement education in collaboration with our member organisations.
The study centre is maintained by the Association for Educational Activities (AEA). Our guiding values include the promotion of active civic engagement, democracy and civil society activities.
Together with our 81 member organisations, we organise and implement over 7,000 education events annually across Finland, with a total of approximately 130,000 participants.
The topics of our educational activities cover areas such as NGO activities, pedagogy in organisational training, voluntary work, the promotion of public health, fire and rescue services, and many other important subjects for our member organisations.
All the training and education activities our members organise in collaboration with us is part of our educational programme. All activities and events included in our curriculum is planned and reported through the Sivisverkko platform.
Our strategy for 2023–2027 aims to promote lifelong learning and civic skills, foster sustainable living, support a democratic society, and enhance the vitality of NGOS.
We also offer a significant amount of training to enhance the competencies and expertise of our member organisations’ employees. Key topics include the development of organisational training, trainer skills, NGO management expertise, and themes related to active citizenship.
In addition to our training activities, we offer networks to our member organisations and participate in regional, national, and international networks related to civil society activity and liberal adult education. We engage in development activities with various organisations, conduct studies and surveys, and contribute to discussions and development efforts in the field of adult education.
Our activities are regulated by the Act of Liberal Adult Education, and we are supervised by the Ministry of Education and Culture as well as the Finnish National Agency for Education.
Association behind the study centre
Sivis Study Centre is maintained by the Association for Educational Activities (AEA), which is an independent organisation in the field of liberal adult education, with the mission of promoting adult education, cultural activities, and other forms of liberal adult education in collaboration with its member communities.
The board of the Association for Educational Activities is composed of representatives from member organisations of the Sivis Study Centre.
SivisNYT – Current Topics and Events
Kevään koulutukset – iloa ja hyötyä järjestötoimintaan
Siviksen kevään koulutuksissa opitaan tärkeitä yhdistys- ja järjestötoiminnan taitoja, kehitetään kouluttajaosaamista ja tutustutaan koulutussuunnitteluun sekä Yhdistystoiminnan verkkokursseihin. Ilmoittaudu mukaan vaikka heti! -
Järjestöt tavoittavat, kun perustaidot ovat heikot
”Vapaalla sivistystyöllä ja järjestöillä on toimintansa kautta aivan erityinen mahdollisuus kohdata, kouluttaa ja parantaa aikuisten perustaitoja”, muistuttaa Opintokeskus Siviksen toiminnanjohtaja ja rehtori Marita Salo. -
”Mielenterveystaidot ovat kansalaistaitoja”
MIELI ry:n koulutukset lisäävät mielenterveysosaamista. Järjestö on panostanut viime vuosina koulutuksen kehittämiseen. Työn tuloksena on koulutusstrategia sekä uudenlainen panostus osaamislähtöisyyteen.